We thought this article from houzz may be of interest to at least a few of our readers, as it does involve creative use of plants – just indoors in this case. Neutral walls serve as a backdrop to this family’s easygoing, eclectic decorating style. If this appeals to you, read on – or at least check the photos!
Just click the article title below – or click the photo, then the ‘X’ in the upper right corner of the new page, and enjoy!
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Sarah Lyon January 26, 2019
Houzz Contributor. I’m a communications professional and maintain a blog in my spare time (www.dctoat.com). I enjoy covering all things design and home-related and also like to share my favorite spots in DC. I believe that a home is never truly “done” and always have a blast moving around items in my apartment and mixing up my style a bit. I like classic, preppy pieces (ginger jars, campaign furniture, and faux bamboo are some of my obsessions!) and have enjoyed making my small space feel like home.