Just for fun, here is part of our plant material acquisition process when we need to bring in special order for customers, or quickly replenish depleted stock. Some have asked about this as it usually happens when no customers are shopping.

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Just for fun, here is part of our plant material acquisition process when we need to bring in special order for customers, or quickly replenish depleted stock. Some have asked about this as it usually happens when no customers are shopping.
It has been a while since we’ve updated for new articles, but we’ll try to help out here.
There are two new articles shared by Southern Living, both in the Projects area. The first is “A Fresh (& Simple) Fall Fireplace Garland“; the second is “Fall Is for Planting“.
Previous articles also for this season include “A Recipe for Fall Beauty“, and “Fall Container Facelift“, also both under the Projects menu.
As a reminder, check out the SPECIALS under the SPECIALS!!! menu.
Perennial plants are flowers or plants that grow back every year. The top part, the flowers and leaves, of the plant dies off, and grows back in the spring. It uses the same route system, and most plants keep their leaves all year. They make attractive borders and ground covers for yards and businesses. They can be purchased in quarts, or gallon containers.
They can be planted in the spring but many come in containers so they can be planted in the summer and fall too. They need organic soil and good drainage. Fertilizer helps to make them grow properly. Some of these plants are bee balm, irises, butterfly weed, cat mint, day lily, and garden flox. They require watering, mulching, weed control, and fertilization.
Some wildflowers are perennials, but when planted, do not show until the next year. They will establish their root systems, but no flowers will show up until the second year. After the first year you will get showy flowers with plenty of foliage. So when you decide to plant perennial wildflowers, the first year is growth, the second is when the flowers and foliage come.
Some of the top ones that grow to become showy flowers are butterfly weed, that produces some showy orange flowers in midsummer. It needs full sun and sandy draining soil to grow well. The best part of wildflower perennials is they come back every year. You don’t have to replant.
Another popular wildflower is Black Eyed Susan, growing on the side of the road and in fields. It is a common hybrid, and readily available for planting. Another one is the milky bell flower, that likes full to partial sun and well drained soil that is moist. Another popular one is wild carrot, with lacy and pink blossoms. It prefers full to partial sun and well drained moist soil.
A Perennial has different a purpose, like attracting hummingbirds and butterflies. Some are resistant to deer. Others make great ground covers or plants for shady sites. They adapt well to different conditions and soils.
Wildflowers take patience and work to grow. They can be started from seed and need little mowing or water when established. They require knowing the specific soil and temperature conditions to grow well. Most require full to partial sun and do not need much fertilization. They should be planted in early spring.