Top Five Indoor Plants Your Cats Won’t Eat
Sometimes it proves to be quite the battle to find house plants that your furry friends won’t see as a succulent treat. Not only do you have to worry about the well-being of the plant, but you have to worry about whether or not the ingestion of the plant will harm your kitty. Here’s the good news. There are plenty of plants that don’t really appeal to the feline palate. You just have to have the right knowledge of your house plants. Try potting some of these unpalatable house plants. Most perennials are not appetizing also.
You’ll love the sweet smell of this gorgeous plant, but your cats will keep their distance. For some reason, they hate the smell. If they do decide that they need to try it out, and ingest this plant, it won’t hurt them. Your kitty may feel a little bit sick to his/her stomach, but it won’t kill them. They’ll learn pretty quickly that Lavender doesn’t really bring forth delightful consequences, and they’ll leave it alone.
This is a great plant that will not only detour your cats, but it will make your dinner taste better too! The strong scent of Rosemary is another foul existence to the olfactory senses of your kitty. Like Lavender, they hate it! It’s also somewhat of a woody, prickly plant, so not the most attractive to your furry friends. Just make sure to keep it warm and dry. Rosemary has quite the distaste for cold, moist soil.
Scaredy Cat
It’s all in the name, Scaredy Cat. Your cat won’t really be afraid of this plant, but they won’t like it at all. The plant puts off the smell of dog urine to a cat, but don’t worry. The smell isn’t strong enough to bother a human unless the leaves are crushed or rubbed all over you. There is a small margin for error in this plant, as its effect is dependent upon the animal having a proper sense of smell. The effectiveness has been compared to that of catnip. Only about seventy percent (give or take a bit) of cats really react to catnip.
Cactus Plants
For obvious reasons, cats don’t like cactus plants. Your feline friends are most definitely smart enough to realize that they want nothing to do with this prickly plant. Cactus is also a very low maintenance house plant. They’re great at retaining water, so they won’t die if you forget to water them every once in a while. They’re strong.
Mint Plants
Minty plants are quite useful to humans. We can use them for food flavoring, and there are also some medicinal purposes, depending on which minty plant you’re referring to at the time. Luckily, in the feline world, minty flavors are not very palatable. They may try chewing on your mint leaves once, but they will soon find something very unsavory to their tiny taste buds. Mint leaves are usually quite vibrant and green. They’ll bring a refreshing element to your home.